Shaping the future for girls in science and technology. Dream big

March 14, 2024
1 min read


  • The gender gap in STEAM fields is still wide, but progress is being made in increasing female participation in certain areas.
  • Efforts are needed to encourage young girls to pursue science and technology careers by providing them with role models and support.

In the article “From dreamers to innovators: Shaping the future for girls in science and technology,” the author highlights the importance of promoting gender equality and diversity in STEAM disciplines. While more women are participating in STEAM fields, there is still a significant gender gap that needs to be addressed. The article emphasizes the need for initiatives that empower future female leaders in science and technology through providing them with opportunities and role models to follow.

The article discusses the progress that has been made in increasing female participation in certain STEAM fields, such as health science degrees, while also addressing areas where more work needs to be done, such as engineering. Efforts to encourage young girls to pursue science and technology careers are essential, as many girls lose interest in these fields due to a lack of role models and fear of failure. Providing real-life examples of successful women in science and technology can inspire and empower young girls to pursue their ambitions.

One example mentioned in the article is ValPat Steam, a Telefónica initiative led by a 15-year-old girl and a telecommunications engineer. Through their YouTube content, they aim to spark curiosity and creativity in science and technology, particularly among young girls. By providing girls with relatable examples and support, initiatives like ValPat Steam help to break down stereotypes and encourage more girls to consider careers in STEAM fields.

In conclusion, the article highlights the importance of supporting and empowering young girls in science and technology to create a more diverse and inclusive future. By providing girls with the resources and role models they need, we can help shape a world where gender does not limit anyone’s potential in pursuing a career in STEAM disciplines.

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