US mining tax credits, Ring’s police data U-turn: The Download

January 25, 2024
1 min read

TLDR: Talon Metals has uncovered a large nickel deposit in Minnesota and plans to establish the country’s first complete domestic nickel supply chain. This could potentially unlock billions in EV subsidies for the company. In other news, Ring has decided to stop allowing police to request doorbell footage from users, a significant change in policy for the company.

The mining exploration company Talon Metals has discovered a dense nickel deposit in Minnesota, which it hopes will become the starting point for the country’s first complete domestic nickel supply chain. If regulators approve the project, Talon Metals could extract hundreds of thousands of metric tons of mineral-rich ore per year for use in electric vehicle (EV) batteries. This could potentially qualify the company for significant EV subsidies, unlocking billions in government incentives.

Ring, the popular doorbell camera company, has made a significant U-turn in its policy. Previously, the company allowed police to request doorbell footage from its users without a warrant. However, starting next week, Ring will require police to obtain a warrant before accessing any user videos. This change in policy comes after ongoing criticism and concerns about the company’s relationship with law enforcement and issues surrounding user privacy.

These two pieces of news highlight the evolving landscape of technology and its impact on various industries. The mining industry is looking to capitalize on EV demand by unlocking subsidies through domestic supply chains, while technology companies like Ring are facing scrutiny over their partnerships with law enforcement and the privacy of their users.

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