Boost K–12 Tech with Professional Development for Teacher Support

February 20, 2024
1 min read


Key Points:

  • Professional development is key for successful technology integration in K-12 education.
  • The National Educational Technology Plan highlights the importance of closing the digital design divide through professional development.

Many obstacles hinder strong technology integration in K-12 education, such as the misconception that newer teachers already know how to use technology. Without proper measurement of educational technology use, professional development to support integration can fall lower on the priorities list. This, combined with pushback from educators and the community about tech use, leads to a shortage of time and money for tech integration solutions.

The updated National Educational Technology Plan emphasizes the need for professional development to close the design divide, where teachers can create lessons supported by technology. It provides examples of activities to support this goal and highlights the importance of collaboration between curriculum and technology leaders.

Key components for successful professional development in K-12 districts include understanding users’ needs, offering consistent training across disciplines, and showcasing success stories. By engaging multiple stakeholders and fostering collaboration and feedback, schools can successfully integrate technology and improve learning environments for all students.

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