Extrakt and Bechtel team up for TNS™ separation technology launch.

February 21, 2024
1 min read


  • Extrakt Process Solutions and Bechtel Energy Technologies & Solutions have formed a global alliance to commercialize TNS™ solid-liquid separation technology.
  • The technology addresses challenges in mine tailings, dewatering, and product recovery in a sustainable manner.

Extrakt Process Solutions, LLC (Extrakt) and Bechtel Energy Technologies & Solutions, Inc (BETS) have partnered to bring Extrakt’s TNS™ solid-liquid separation technology to the global market. This alliance aims to tackle long-standing issues in the mining and metals industry, offering sustainable solutions for mine tailings, dewatering, and product recovery. By leveraging Bechtel’s engineering expertise and global reach, the partnership seeks to provide innovative and environmentally conscious options for customers.

The TNS™ technology, developed by Extrakt, has undergone significant evolution and holds over 40 global patents. It offers a resilient and versatile solution for mineral recovery and water management, catering to the growing demand for sustainable practices in the energy and mining sectors. By recovering valuable minerals from waste materials, TNS™ enables customers to enhance their environmental stewardship and reduce their reliance on virgin resources.

Despite limited details on the exact process, TNS™ has demonstrated its ability to achieve high solids content in dewatering operations, surpassing conventional methods. The partnership between Extrakt and Bechtel signifies a commitment to driving sustainable practices in the industry and delivering tangible benefits for future generations.

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