Game design lab evolves with technology.

February 21, 2024
1 min read


  • Rider University’s game design lab has upgraded to new PC setups from Macs.
  • The $64,000 investment in 19 state-of-the-art computers aims to keep up with evolving technology.

In a bid to keep up with evolving technology, Rider University’s game design lab has undergone a significant transformation. The once Mac-dominated classroom now boasts new, rainbow-radiating PC setups, which were installed over winter break by the Office of Information Technologies. The 19 state-of-the-art computers, each costing the university $64,000, were deemed essential for the creation of virtual worlds and to cater to the needs of game design majors, film and television majors, and other multimedia students.

The decision to switch from Mac to PC was driven by the need for faster rendering times and improved capabilities for student projects. Chief Information Officer Moe Rahman and program director of game and interactive media design, Wil Lindsay, recognized that the Mac machines were not up to par with the tasks required by game design majors. After researching what other universities were using for their game design labs, it was decided that transitioning to PC would be more beneficial.

The new computers required an electrical update to accommodate their power needs, presenting a challenge for the lab space. Despite the logistical hurdles, the faculty and administration were committed to enhancing the student experience in game design education. According to professor Stephen Gonzalez, Macs were never designed with game design in mind, making PCs a more suitable choice for creating games for platforms like Nintendo and PlayStation.

Overall, the upgrade to PC setups has already made a positive impact on students, providing them with access to industry-standard software and tools that are essential for their future careers in game design. The investment in technology reflects Rider University’s dedication to keeping pace with the rapidly evolving field of game design and ensuring that students have the resources they need to succeed.

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